feeding the good wolf isn't always enough. There are circumstances when, at the same time, you must also fight the bad wolf, until he surrenders.
Dear Bar,
A father told his son: Life is a battle between two wolves. One is the wolf of evil, hostility, cruelty and hubris. The other is the wolf of kindness, compassion, love and humanity.
The son though for a moment, then asked: and which wolf wins?
The one you feed, said the father.
These days teach us, that feeding the good wolf isn't always enough. There are circumstances when, at the same time, you must also fight the bad wolf, until he surrenders.
When you volunteered to become a combat fighter, you chose to become a combat medical orderly, dealing with saving lives – or in other words, feeding the good wolf and fighting the bad. The day you graduated and received the " combat medical orderly pin" was the happiest day of your life. In addition to our pride, we prayed that you won't need to use your newly acquired skills in any military context. our prayer was not answered. Much too soon, you had to go to battle.
A year ago, the evening before you were drafted, we were together at the Teddy Stadium in Jerusalem. You were one of the 30,000 people singing together the words of Bob Dylan: "I want to be forever young".
And I turned to you, and said: No. I don't want you to stay forever young. Life, means change. That's what I want for you. I want you to finish your army service, and then like so many other youngsters go on the trip of your lifetime, around the world or throughout a different continent or throughout Israel. I want you discover life, make new friends and collect experiences; study a profession you are interested in; fall in love, once and even twice; I want you to have children, and more than that – I want you to have grandchildren, to take them on trips in Israel and Kenya and Orlando and tell them nostalgic stories of your life, saying: "When I was your age…" .
I want you to grow old.
Today, again, this is what I want for you. And for all your friends. I have a feeling that every parent in Israel will join me in this blessing.
Continue to do good and fight bad. We have full confidence in you and your friends, knowing you will do everything you can to fulfill your missions with success. All we ask is for you to come back home to us, safe and sound.
All our love, from home.